Before you light the candle in the middle of the room, go to the upper right, past the candle, to get 47 gil. Head left to get a potion. Only then should you light the candle. Ignore the flashing instructions until then.
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You'll get to be asked your name, I prefer to use the default. In this case, that'll be Zidane. You'll be in a fight. Don't defeat the enemy until you get the prompt that there's nothing to steal. You'll find out that it's your boss. After the breifing, make sure you pay attention and answer "That's when I kidnap Princess Garnet, right?" or you'll get mocked, there'll be some CG.
You'll be someone else. There are several items that you want to dig up while you are here. First set is found south of where you started. You'll find four (4) items. The Zombie Card can be found southwest of the screen. A Potion is on the side of the statue. The Sahagin Card is on the footsteps of the corner house. And the Lizard Man Card on the house at the back of the statue. It's at the house you can't see because the statue is blocking it.
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Go back to your starting point. On your left is a Potion. Go inside the house. Right side has 9 gil, left side has a Potion and when you go up the ladder, on the closet is a Fang Card.
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Go back outside on your starting point and head up. You can get a Potion. Keep going up until you get on the next screen. On the lower right side, on the grass, is 33 Gil and on left, on the grass as well is a Goblin Card.
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Go inside the pub. On the left side you can find a Flan Card on the floor and 27 Gil on the far left.
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Go out of the pub and talk to Hippaul who should now be right beside where you got your Goblin Card on this screen. Head left to go to the next screen and enter Doug's Item shop on the right. You there's 38 Gil on the floor south side.
Head outside the Shop (buy if you want), and go up to the next screen. DO NOT go to the Ticket Tent (yet). Head right and go inside the store on the right side, either door would do since it's connected.
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You can find Ether and Remedy in the stores. Once you're out of the store, go talk to Hippaul and you'll be told he has 3 hidden cards. You can also find a Phoenix Pinion on the wheel nearly in front of Hippaul. You can also play jumping rope if you have the hand eye coordination for it. Talk to the girl in the middle to try. Couldn't get past 10 though. Press X to jump.
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Go to the left side past the girls playing jumping rope and you'll be in an alley. Go past the alley and you'll see a little girl going out of her house on the right side of the screen. If you're not sure if she went out or not, go inside her house. If she's there go back to the alley to refresh the screen and go back to her house. You should have seen her run out of the house by then. You can get Eye Drops on the first floor and 3 Gil on the second floor.
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Right beside the house is a church. Go inside the church. On the first floor is a Potion. Go up the ladder, pull the rope and you'll get the 3 cards Hippaul mentioned. These are Goblin Card, Fang Card and Ironite Card.
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Beside the church is a walkway. Talk to the kid (Tom) and he'll tell you his cat's missing. Go back to the starting point and go south to the statue. The cat should be there. Talk to the cat and Tom will than you. Go back to where you met Tom beside the chapel and he'll give you a Bomb Card.
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Now go to the ticket booth and exchange you're ticket. You'll be given 3 cards: a goblin card, a fang card and a skeleton card. After you leave the booth, go to the alley way. The sign master will leave and a boy will ask you several questions and after answering truthfully, ask you to be his slave. When he asks tell him "It's all clear". READ: Immediately run with him on the next screen or you'll bet mugged by that 4-armed guy coming your way. Once you're on the other screen you can either (1) follow the kid to the church, or (2) go back to the alleyway and learn how to play cards.
If you decide to learn to play cards, then go back to the alley. DO NOT bump the 4-armed guy headway. Instead, go to his side and when he passes you by, talk to him. He'll teach you on how the card game works.
After going through the tutorial, go to inside church. The kid will then ask you to go up the stairs, when you do so, a Moogle (Kopu) falls down. He'll give you a slight tutorial on saving your game. Another Moogle (Stiltzkin) will appear after that. When he leaves, right behind where the kid with the ladder was standing, is a Tent. Pick this up then head up the stairs and navigate on the roof.
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You can get several Gil while navigating through these roofs. You get 29 Gil after crossing the second wooden bridge (which falls down). Instead of crossing to the next bridge, go down the stairs of the house with no roof (where you'll find out that the kid's name is Puck and you get to choose your name for Vivi) and cross the bridge on the right and then the bridge going down. Go back to the house, go up the stairs, cross the bridge, head up and get the 92 Gil. You'll notice that Puck is on the other roof. Unequip everything and then go to him.
The CG will start and you'll have to fight "King Leo" and his guards. After this is a mini-game where you'll have to follow Blank's lead. Try to not go ahead of yourself to get a high score. I got a 91/100 impressed and left with 855 Gil.
You are now inside Alexandria Castle.
Final Fantasy 9 (IX) Disk 1 Alexandria